Pruning Clematis
Pruning Clematis We mentioned that sweet autumn clematis blooms on new wood and should be pruned in the spring or late winter to a height of one foot above the […]
a forum for local gardeners to swap plants, exchange ideas, and discuss gardening techniques.
Pruning Clematis We mentioned that sweet autumn clematis blooms on new wood and should be pruned in the spring or late winter to a height of one foot above the […]
Old Man’s Beard Clematis virginiana For those of you who are native plant enthusiasts there is a native version of Clematis terniflora. It is Clematis virginiana or virgin’s bower, […]
Is your garden well weeded, thoroughly mulched and nary a plant that does not have a tag with its proper name inscribed upon it? You don’t know what […]
Monarda punctata L. Spotted bee balm, horsemint or Monarda punctata L. call it what you will but by any name it in an interesting addition to the garden. […]
When we have a dry summer we often retrospectively rethink our plantings. While in ground perennials survive with only a bit of extra watering, it is those baskets and […]