Wild Lettuce
Lactuca serriola This has been a great year for weeds. Not only have they proliferated like the meaning of the word but some of them have reached an extraordinary size. […]
a forum for local gardeners to swap plants, exchange ideas, and discuss gardening techniques.
Lactuca serriola This has been a great year for weeds. Not only have they proliferated like the meaning of the word but some of them have reached an extraordinary size. […]
Marsilea mutica Say the word fern and people instantly conjure images of a green, feathery plant that is, well,…… ferny. But of course, the typical ferny leaf is but one […]
Oenothera sp. There are 145 species of evening-primrose. Some do indeed, as their name suggests, open at night to the delight of the moths that pollinate them. Others bloom during […]
Ampelamus albidus Milkweed in all of its manifestations is the plant of the year because it is the host plant for the monarch butterfly. Other than the common milkweed there […]
We have a new/old plant to review this month. In our last garden club sale we had several ladybells. This bellflower look alike was […]